Wildlife gardening...plan now

The clocks have gone back, and I look forward to rainy Sundays when I can plan my garden changes whilst its dark outside and then have a Sunday snooze when there is a rubbish 4.30pm footy match on in front of an open fire later. (Easy tiger, getting very rock and roll in here again).
My last blog was quite wordy, so I am going visual today.
So, you read last time that we all need to be more sustainable. Tick. To layer onto this, we all need to garden more for wildlife. So how do we do this? Isn't all a bit messy and I like a contemporary garden to go with my charcoal windows and bi fold doors...
So, here are the 5 things that you need to build a wildlife garden - visually. And we are going from classic to contemporary. No excuse. Tick.
1. A pond - 3 Large, or 3 small

2. Long grass
Big, small, urban, country or grand. Just let an area grow.

3. Log piles
In a corner out if the way, or as a feature. Insect heaven

4. Trees and shrubs
Go big with an orchard, or work them into your space. They provide shelter and food. A mix of native and non natives are perfect.

5. Flowers
Classic to contemporary borders. They all provide food. Look out for the pollinator friendly labels when you buy your new plants. Make sure you have early and late flowering plants too.

6. And things not to do...….
Use faux grass
Use Insecticides and pesticides
Use peat
Exclude teh family and pets
Feel guilty as you work your way towards your own little slice of wild life heaven
Happy Sunday planning.